Wednesday 1 December 2010

Where The Unibrow Reigns

A unibrow is the presence of abundant hair between the eyebrows, so that they seem to converge to form one long eyebrow. In the Western world it has become synonymous with unattractiveness. But not in Tajikistan, a small central Asian nation, the Land of the Unibrow.

Asking Tajik women why they like the unibrow is a bit like asking Western women why they like to paint their nails or pluck their eyebrows into oblivion. In Tajikistan, women without a natural unibrow use an herbal remedy to fake it.

(via Neatorama)

3 comment(s):

Wizard said...

Leave it to Tajikistan women to bring sexy back.

Anonymous said...

It has a "look".

Anonymous said...

They do it in Uzbekistan too. With gold teeth.