Sunday 7 November 2010

The Human Towers Of The Castellers

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No one is quite sure but at some point in the 18th century someone in the Valls, near the Catalonian city of Tarragona dreamed of a tower of a castle (castell in Catalonian). Yet he may not have been an architect or an engineer: his tower was made of people.

(thanks Robert-John)

3 comment(s):

Spooky said...

Wow Gerard, you must really like Kuriositas...every little thing they post gets reposted by you, which seems a little weird. Don't get me wrong, it's a nice blog, but so is Atlas Obscura, for example, but I don't see you posting links to it every day. Plus, this particular post (and many others, for that matter) were published elsewhere just a few weeks ago. You could try being a bit more selective...

Anonymous said...

Well, in fact Catalonia is in Spain.

Gerard said...

Spooky, it has nothing to do with being more selective. Robert-John, who owns Kuriositas, sends me links to his articles since a couple of years.

They are good articles so I don't see any reason not to post them. And I don't post links to Kuriositas every day. Neither do I post links to millions of other sites.