Thursday 25 November 2010

Chris Burden's Metropolis II

California artist Chris Burden created Metropolis II, a representation of road traffic in Los Angeles. It shows 1,200 toy cars moving along 18 lanes. As well as 13 toy trains and tracks, and, dotting the landscape, buildings made of wood block, tiles, Legos and Lincoln Logs.

(via Neatorama)

6 comment(s):

Bogdan said...

This is what passes for art these days?

Gerard said...

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, art is a visual object or experience consciously created through an expression of skill or imagination.

So I guess this qualifies as art.

Bogdan said...

By that definition, the wall at the back of your garden is art as well. In fact, the definition is so broad that virtually any man-made object could be considered art.

Of course I realize this is a debate that went on since the last century (what qualifies as art?). But while I can see the art in an abstract painting (even when it's simply paint splatter), I don't get the artistic payload in a purely engineering installation like "Metropolis II". It's cool to look at for a couple of seconds in the same way train sets are, but I doubt many people consider train sets to be art.

Dan said...

How on earth would he fund this? Or who funded him in other words?

Up said...

There is no doubt about it. This is art.

John said...

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