Monday 30 August 2010

11 Foot 8

Low clearance can be a real challenge for a truck driver. Especially inexperienced drivers of rental boxtrucks seem to be quite oblivious to the warning signs. So frequently do trucks crash into the 11-foot-8 railroad bridge at Gregson and Peabody in Durham, North Carolina, USA, that the railroad company installed a crash beam in front of it.

This is a compilation of 13 crashes at the railroad bridge.

The 11 foot 8 web site.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

I used to live in Leesville, LA where there was a similar low clearance to which truckers often seemed oblivious. The peculiar thing about this video though… have you noticed the uncanny appearance of a number of white vehicles parked before that intersection at the time of those crashes? (and yes, I know that some of those are replays) Perhaps it is some sort of conspiracy?
; )