Friday, 16 July 2010

Crude Awakening

A series of photos of people who have been swimming in oil made by Chicago-based photographer Jane Fulton Alt. She says:

Living on the shores of Lake Michigan, I am acutely aware of the disastrous toll the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico has taken on all forms of life, especially as our beaches opened to the 2010 swimming season. This environmental, social and economic catastrophe highlights a much larger problem that has inflicted untold suffering as we exploit the earth's resources worldwide.

We are all responsible for leading lives that create demand for unsustainable energy. We are also all responsible for the solution and we must work together to protect the balance of life.

3 comment(s):

Dr. Cheryl Carvajal said...

What harm might this swimming in oil do to those photographed? I'd certainly be leery of letting my own kids do it. Then again, the picture itself conjures up this thought, and makes me more likely to act. I guess that means it's effective.

Anonymous said...

I really hope thats chocolate syrup on them..

Brian Kern said...

I seem to recall that the government was telling people who were cleaning up the oil to wear like several layers of protective gear, including gloves. So why swim in it?

Maybe this series of photographs should be entitled: Stupid People.