Friday 18 June 2010

10 Awesome Gadgets To Annoy Other Road Users

Isn't it annoying when someone swerves out in front of you on the road? Do you find yourself thinking up a million ways to really irritate them? Some of the most ingenious inventions have been created just for that purpose!

(thanks Danny)

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

They left out the best. The exhaust flame thrower.

Pretty easy to build, you only need a spark plug a coil, a fuel injector and a couple of switches. Mount fuel injector in the exhaust tailpipe. Mount plug downtream of injector, wired to HT side of coil. One switch to LT side of coil. Other switch to control injector. Flick fuel switch followed by ignition switch.

A great way to discourage tailgaters. Particularly effective when fitted to something really slow like a 2CV.