Wednesday 5 May 2010

Noah's Ark Found (Again)

A team of evangelical Christian explorers claim they've found the remains of Noah's ark beneath snow and volcanic debris on Turkey's Mount Ararat. Turkish and Chinese explorers from a group called Noah's Ark Ministries International made the latest discovery claim last week in Hong Kong, where the group is based.

The team claims to have found seven large wooden compartments buried at 13,000 feet (4,000 meters) above sea level, near the peak of Mount Ararat. But some archaeologists are taking the latest claim that Noah's ark has been found about as seriously as they have past ones - which is to say not very.

4 comment(s): said...

I hope they find the toothfairy soon. Honestly these stories make me laugh, as the grandson of a church of England vicar, I had some interesting discussions on the subject of religion. Nobody actually believes these biblical stories to be fact, especially not those who work in the church! They are metaphors, methods of conveying a story and ultimately control over the un-policed geographically disparate societies of old. They have a place in modern society, as parables and metaphors, again, not fact. The lesson to be learned from Noah’s Ark, don’t mess with God or he will drown you. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

the story goes that noah gathered a male and female of every species and put it on the boat. prefectly logical thinking for the time period i suppose. but today we know better, and a species cannot be repopulated if you only have 2 left to breed. sorry wierdos, that boat don't float!

Betsy said...

One of my colleagues takes the bible literally though... He says that on the ark there were 2 animals of every species.. But he says 2 catlike animals, 2 horselike animals, 2 doglikeanimals, so the number of species was smaller... And although he says evolution does not exists, all the modern species developed from the 'species' on the ark. Fossils are species that did not fit on the ark he says... I wonder how big the ark should have to be...

Betsy said...

here is an interesting piece of thinking about the ark..