Monday 24 May 2010

Mystery Beast Found In Canada

Fishermen have been frantically dragging a lake in Canada where the corpse of a bizarre looking animal was discovered. But days of search party expeditions in Kitchenuhmaykoosib, northern Ontario, have so far proved fruitless with local residents failing to unearth the body of the mystery creature.

The strange animal has generated worldwide interest after local authorities last week released a series of photos of it taken by the two nurses who made the find.

3 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

look very much like an otter with no fur on it's face

Anonymous said...

Yeah, either an otter or a mink, for sure.

Anonymous said...

when a perfectly normal furry creature dies and ends up in the water, its fur comes off and they end up looking weird like this. what is up with all the spazzes in this world these days? seriously?