It's an intriguing photograph from 1940 showing a man in modern clothing. The photograph shows a crowd of people at the reopening of the South Fork Bridge in British Columbia. One of the people there however is wearing modern looking sunglasses, a stamped t-shirt, and has what looks like a portable camera.
Is this man out of time? Is he really a time traveler?
12 comment(s):
Of course he's a time traveler. First thing I would do if I invented time-travel would be to visit the opening of the South Fork Bridge.
Look, when the dude shows up in the "Last Supper", call me.
(and it's a lettermen's shirt, a varsity sweater, that he's wearing. that "M" is sewn on)
Hey, if it's on the internets, it gotta be true.
Time travel has always been a hidden feature of PhotoShop.
Is this a joke. Have we become this gullible?
Obviously photoshop. Time traveling does not exist, and impossible to do so.
No, it's not Photoshopped. An 'Error Level Analysis' suggests the image was not digitally tampered with.
I don't believe in time travel. My question whether this man is a time traveler was rhetorical. It was meant as an invitation to read the story.
Little did this guy know that over a half century later the rest of the world would catch up to his style....
Talk about an original trend setter
Uh, they had sweaters, shirts with stuff on them, and "portable" cameras in 1940. Also weird looking sunglasses.
Do not mock what you do not understand. It is the foundation of ignorance.
i like time travel posts.
I like time travelling
... and the man down with hat and glasses is Walter Skinner. It was just an X-Files
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