Tuesday 2 March 2010

Wasps Used Antibiotics Millions Of Years Before Penicillin Was Discovered

A humble wasp learned how to use sophisticated antibiotics millions of years before the invention of penicillin, research has shown.

Digger wasps of the family Philanthus, also known as 'beewolves,' harness beneficial bacteria to manufacture a cocktail of drugs that protect its larvae from infection.

1 comment(s):

Admin said...

A shame that The Daily Mail is one of the more right wing papers in the UK which most people with a few brain cells would not buy...

They received the most complaints ever for a press article in the UK with this article about the death of pop star Stephen Gately. A sad, untimely and natural death which they used as a nasty excuse to promote homophobia.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1220756/A-strange-lonely-tro ubling-death--.html

Neatorama and the Presurfer are both websites which are published outsede the UK so I am sure that they are unaware of the contents of this rag. However - this particular newspaper produces this sort of stuff as a Trojan Horse with which to promote its own agenda.

Be careful of the Daily Mail! I would *never* associate myself with it - but then - I am a socialist *gasp*! (but I do get free healthcare pinko that I am).

Look in to the politics of newspapers bearing wondeful 'gifts' such as this. They may not tally with your own.