I don't have to go to work at night anymore. I don't have to sleep during the day. I can do whatever I want and whenever I want it. It's freedom the way I like it best.

What does this mean for The Presurfer? Being a full-time blogger now, some changes are inevitable. I used to update the site early in the morning after arriving home from work. From now on I probably will still be sleeping at that time.
So, updates will be made a little bit later and during the day. And the number of posts will not be restricted to the usual 7 or 8. There probably will be more, depending on whatever I find or whatever comes my way. But don't be afraid, I won't overwhelm you because I know that publishing too many posts is the first reason why readers turn away.
54 comment(s):
Way to go Gerard, I do hope this works out for you, and hopefully you won't turn *too* commercial on us. :)
All the best Gerard for your retirement. Very curious about further cool quality posts on the Presurfer. Like it a lot. Cheers, Wolfgang
Congratulations. You’re living the dream! Always look forward to your posts.
When I stopped working, people used to say "but what will you do with all that free time?"
HAH! Now I wonder how I had time to work in the first place.
congrats! :)
That is fantastic news, I am very happy for you. Not only do my wife and I greatly enjoy your blog, you have had a very positive effect on my own websites by posting up links to me and boosting my exposure over the years. I wish you the very best and look forward to even more posts or perhaps further ventures. Well done! Chris
Good for you! I'm hoping to be doing the same before too long.
Proficiat !
Congratulations! Getting off night shift does wonders for your health. Enjoy!
Amazing news! Thanks for still keeping up the Presurfer and enjoy retirement!!
Congrats! I love the site.
Congratulations on retiring. I did the same last May and now blog full time too.
I have to disagree with you on posting too much being the reason people turn away. To me it's the guy that only updates sporadically that loses out. People stop coming back. You have always been consistent in your posts and I look forward to many more posts from you.
Best wishes and one word of warning.... There still aren't enough hours in the day!
Congratulations, Gerard. Enjoy your retirement.
There's like 8 hours' diff between us, so update whenever (I'll probably be sleeping when you do). Rock on!
Congratulations! And thanks so much for Presurfer -- I really look forward to checking it out every day! :)
What a great opportunity! So glad you took it!
Congratulations, Gerard. I go today to see if I'm on full retirement or not. Wish me luck. Tehobu
Congrats Gerard, I took early retirement last year and never looked back...it's fantastic!! I am now a full-time "blog reader"
On your updates, Whatever time you decide to do them,I do hope you do them around the same time everyday. Again, WTG!!
Live long and prosper !
Congratulations, Gerard! Enjoy your normal schedule. Glad to hear you'll still be around for the Presurfer.
I'm working on an early retirement for myself.
There can never be too many posts on The Presurfer!
Nice one mate :)
Good for you, G.!
Enjoy every moment of the free time.
I used to work night shift and my health has improved so much since I stopped.
Congratulations to you!!!
Congratulations, Gerard! You are the first thing I read in the morning, so I look forward to seeing more!
Gerard zag het al staan op je hyve nog zoveel nachtjes slapen en dan ... geniet van je vrije leven en vrije tijd en misschien een nieuw blogspotje erbij Groeten Ton
I'll add my congratulations, but also a reminder that "blogging expands to fill the time allotted to it." For a broad-spectrum accumulator, there is no end to available material...
Congratulations, Gerard! I am a living testament to how "full time blogging" can fill ALL your time. But don't worry about posting too much -people are more likely to turn away from a blog because of hatefulness, dullness, or too few posts, and you have never been guilty of any of those things!
Congratulations, I've enjoyed reading your blog for a few years now and I can't say it's ever been dull so I look forward to even more bloggy goodness here. I hope you enjoy your new retirement career. :)
Many congratulations on your early retirement, Gerard! Enjoy it.
I seem to recall you once saying that you may get a dog on your retirement.
That'd drag you away from your computer!
Very best wishes,
I tip my black hat to you Sir...you have a rockin blog!
Congratulations. Looking forward to more of your wonderful posts.
Congratulations on your retirement. I love your blog and look forward to more of it.
Good news. I like to read your Blog.
Regards from Switzerland.
Blogeois.com said...
Congratulations, Gerald, and thank you for Presurfer!
Congratulations Gerard, well earned no doubt!
I believe you are one of my longest-running bookmarks, been with you since 2002. I'm glad you're going to continue with the site, it's one of the highlights of my day.
all the best!
Goed bezig Gerard!
Mooie plannen, ga zo door.
Congrats! =)
excellent for you , hope you enjoy yourself and I'm sure I'll still be enjoying the presurfer
Many congrats! Enjoy sleeping in.
Cheers !!!
Congratulations, Gerard! I look forward to the day when I can do that too.
We enjoy Presurfer (and Generator), keep up the great work!
Glad you are a full-time booger! Happy retirement.
Wish you all the best Gerrard. Congratulations on your new chapter in life. Enjoy!!!!
Thanks for sharing everything you do. I link to your posts often. E.
Congratulations Gerard! My husband and I love to read your site; I'm very pleased to hear of your "retirement". :)
More Presurfer?! I must be dreaming... I must! :D
This made my day! :D I can always use a bit more Presurfer in my life.
Thanks everyone for these nice words. They are very much appreciated.
Congratulations. I read your blog every day.
After following your blog for a while, I comment for the first time. Hope these are good news for you, and for us followers. By the way, the blog got a lot slower recently; do you know why?
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