Tuesday 16 March 2010

Famous Paintings From Photographs

No invention of the Industrial Revolution influenced Impressionism more than the camera. Most of the Impressionists had cameras and experimented with their new images.

Photography inspired impressionists to capture the moment, but did you know that some of the most famous paintings of Van Gogh, Toulouse Lautrec or Paul Gauguin were inspired on an original photograph?

(via Everlasting Blort)

3 comment(s):

Frank Peña said...

I dig these side-by-side comparisons. I've painted my (now ex) interwebs girlfriend a couple of times from photos she sent me through IRC.
Orianha (2007)
Tentacle Apocalypse (2007-present)

Still working on the latter...

Gerard said...

I can see from the first picture why she is now your ex girlfriend. :)

Frank Peña said...

Hah! Nah, she actually loved that one. :)

We broke up in the middle of the second, which is a big factor in why it's not done.