Wednesday 17 February 2010

The Gender Gap: 10 Surprising Stats On Women In The Workplace

While there is no doubt that women have come a long way from the discrimination and struggles they faced in the previous century when it came to getting an education and finding a job, the sad reality is that when you look at the hard facts, there is still a fair amount of inequality when it comes to women's role in the working world.

Whether you're a working woman yourself or just want to help support the rights of women, these facts are a surefire wake-up call that women still don't always get a fair shake when it comes to getting paid, attaining promotions, or entering certain fields. Read through these ten eye-opening stats to see where women really are in the working world.

(thanks Lauri)

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of bad, distorted, and outdated dated here.

Newsflash - women are actually independent beings with free will. They make choices all their own, and are not "slaves to the Patriarchy"!