Saturday 6 February 2010

The Dog That Smiles

6 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

My neighbor's dog smiles better than that.

NotMarian said...

It looks like it's getting ready to let something loose.

OM said...

That's cool (unless they put the dog facing the sun, and she's just squinting... That's the cynic in me).

Anonymous said...

That dog's not happy. Not full submission mode (ears back flat against the head, hindquarters lower than forequarters, tail tucked tightly between the legs) but "I'm not sure if you're going to be nice or mean to me" mode. Ears flattened to the side, lips pulled back (which in this case happens to look like a human smile), and the squinting which occurs when a dog suspects it's going to be hit. Contrary to popular belief a wagging tail isn't always a sign of happiness. Sometimes it's an appeasing gesture, as is the rest of this dog's body language.

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Anonymous said...

I was going to right the same thing. That dog is afraid.

Josh P. said...

Looks skurrd to me too.