John Hunter's company Quicklaunch wants to shoot stuff into space with a 3,600-foot gun. And he's dead serious - he's done the math.
Making deliveries to an orbital outpost on a rocket costs $5,000 per pound, but using a space gun would cost just $250 per pound.
(via Boing Boing)
9 comment(s):
No-one remembers Gerald Bull?
In 30 minutes or less....or it's free.
Sure i do.That was in early `90 movie.He build hugge ass cannon,and in the end he was shot with 7.65cal bullet ...how sad .)
Gerald Bull was killed because he was building a giant canon for Saddam Hussein !
It remind me of Jules Verne's stories.
Anyone ever read Heinlein's "The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress"???
"From the earth to the Moon" was the book that inspired Bull as a child and all his life really. He saw the huge rail guns that the Germans built to bomb Britian from France during ww2. He built one for NASA for launching satellites into space(100ft tall)it was rejected after the trials. NASA went for the shuttle instead.He almost succeded in the job for Sadam, but the British Scotland Yard got wind of it. They sent the info on to the Israelis, who sent the Mossad to Canada to OFF the guy. IDK why? They could have just asked him nicely,don't build one for Sadam. Maybe he would have built one for them and then they wouldn't have to bomb the power plant in Iraq with jets.
Everything would be smooshed when it arrived, the acceleration would be huge!!!
Is this the real thing or just a concept?
anytime there comes the moment a cannon built by human hand has a kickback wich results earth leaving its natural circle around the sun. than human will be too late to distinguish - it is too cold in space out there...alone. but this awareness will live very short.
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