Sunday 13 December 2009

Razorba Back Shaver

Ever wonder how to remove all of the hair from your back? Wonder no more, because here's the Razorba Back Shaver. It's the world's #1 selling, award winning, shaving product for back hair.

Let's face it, for men there is no easy way to rid yourself of back hair.
The Razorba is the convenient, do-it-yourself, painless, embarrassment-free, solution to back hair. Although I believe the guy in the picture above is doing it wrong.

2 comment(s):

BlakeyRat said...

Another MST3K joke invention becomes an actual product. Sigh.

kdub_nyc said...

Yeah, the Razor Back.
"I of course don't need it."
"Yeah right, the man's a timber wolf!"