Friday 2 October 2009

Oldest Human Skeleton Found - Disproves Missing Link

Scientists yesterday announced the discovery of the oldest fossil skeleton of a human ancestor in Ethiopia's harsh Afar desert. The find reveals that our forebears underwent a previously unknown stage of evolution more than a million years before Lucy, the iconic early human ancestor specimen that walked the Earth 3.2 million years ago.

The skeleton belonged to a small-brained, 110-pound female nicknamed 'Ardi.' The fossil puts to rest the notion that a chimpanzee-like missing link would eventually be found at the root of the human family tree. Indeed, the new evidence suggests that the study of chimpanzee anatomy and behavior - long used to infer the nature of the earliest human ancestors - is largely irrelevant to understanding our beginnings.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

It goes to show those slugheads
went to their graves with the missing link belief.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter about the missing link. All these fundys need to just accept the fact that ALL life on Earth is related. Some closer than others. We all eat, sleep, have sex, and use the bathroom. Humans are closly related to apes. Get over it. Plus, looking around at humans, I have more respect for apes anyway.