Thursday 29 October 2009

Do Chimpanzees Grieve?

This incredible photo was shot for National Geographic by Monica Szczupider, and shows chimpanzees at the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon. They're observing as the body of an elder troop member is taken to burial.

The story behind the photo of grieving chimps.

(via Boing Boing)

2 comment(s):

Betsy said...

The question should be why chimps would not be able to grieve!
grieving is not unique for humans...

dogs and wolves do..

some birds do (crows and rooks)..

so why wouldnt chimps do?

LRobbins said...

I'm so glad to see this story getting so much media attention. Maybe now people will start realizing how special chimps are and stopping hunting them for bushmeat.