Tuesday 15 September 2009

Men Lie Six Times A Day And Twice As Much As Women

Men tell twice as many lies as women. Researchers found they tell six lies a day on average to their partner, boss and work colleagues, but women come out with just three. The study also revealed that the most common lie told by both sexes was: 'Nothing's wrong, I'm fine.'

While men are likely to fib about having their last pint and claiming their partner's behind doesn't look too big, women avoid telling the truth about their latest shopping purchases. Eighty-three per cent of adults of both sexes said they could easily tell if their partner was lying.

(via Neatorama)

1 comment(s):

Shad0w said...

As Chris Rock so elegantly put it:

"Men lie the most, women tell the biggest lies. A man's lie is: 'no I wasn't at the strip club.' A woman's lie is 'Of course the baby's yours.'"