Wednesday 9 September 2009

11 Of Banksy's Best Critiques Of Capitalism

Banksy is a quasi-anonymous English graffiti artist. His works are often satirical pieces of art on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics.

He surfaces from his hideaway every now and then to fuel our social conscience and stoke the leftist fire inside us that so often lies dormant.

(thanks Andy)

3 comment(s):

vanderleun said...

It is truly wonderful that capitalist societies have become so successful they can even support this fellow. It's a testament to their essential benevolence. In other systems the charming Banksy would quickly find himself against the wall instead of painting on it.

McTex said...

I suspect the Banksy has no clue what the underlying principles of capitalism are nor it's positive impact on the world and developing countries. Paintings of people behaving like jerks is not a representation of capitalism, but rather a populous superficial treatment of real world economic development.

Anonymous said...

Heh. What the rickshaw picture fails to address is how relatively rich that kid just got.