Saturday 1 August 2009

The Origin And Evolution Of Baby Carrots

Baby carrots first appeared in 1989. There are two types - real baby carrots, and manufactured baby carrots. A 'true' baby carrot is a carrot grown to the 'baby stage,' which is to say long before the root reaches its mature size.

They are also sometimes harvested simply as the result of crop thinning, but are also grown to this size as a specialty crop. Certain cultivars of carrots have been bred to be used at the 'baby' stage. One such cultivar is 'Amsterdam Forcing'. You will see them in the stores and are normally very expensive and displayed with some of the green showing to prove they are a real carrot.

3 comment(s):

Pam Walter said...

There is a huge difference in taste between the true baby carrot and the carrot pieces that have been trimmed down and labeled "baby". The real babies are mush sweeter and more tender.

carrotmuseum said...

A credit for the photo and information from the World Carrot Museum would have been appropriate!

Gerard said...

But the link goes to the World Carrot Museum, or did you miss that?