Monday 3 August 2009

Building Rome In A Day

The Graphics and Imaging Laboratory of the University of Washington's Department of Computer Science and Engineering are at the cutting edge of research based around crowd sourced imagery and 3D modelling. With billions of photos now online, these collections should enable huge opportunities in 3D, visualization, image-based rendering, recognition, and other research areas.

In their project 'Building Rome in a Day' the group considered the problem of reconstructing entire cities from images harvested from the web. The aim is to build a parallel distributed system that downloads all the images associated with a city from After downloading, it matches these images to find common points and uses this information to compute the three dimensional structure of the city and the pose of the cameras that captured these images.

Website of the Graphics and Imaging Laboratory.

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Isn't this just like MicroSofts PhotoSynth?