Tuesday 28 July 2009

Top 20 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2010

2010 Doesn't sound like a real year does it? It sounds like something that appears on a title card at the beginning of a movie. It sounds like the future. It sounds like you need a crazy, wild-eyed old man and a flux capacitor to get there, but you don't, all you need is patience.

Unfortunately, the people at Movie Moron are impatient as all get out. They're already looking ahead to 2010 and its silver screen offerings, and they’d like you to join them. Here's a list of the 20 most anticipated movies of 2010.

(thanks Sheridan)

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Hello :)

What was the top and worst movie of last year in your oppinion? For me personally it would have to be:

Greatest: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Worst: A Nightmare on Elm Street

With thanks :) <3