Saturday 4 July 2009

Danger Dogs From Nepal

Assistant film editor Michelle Page traveled to Nepal and noticed the hand painted 'Beware of the Dog' signs everywhere. She started collecting these signs and went looking for the artists who painted them.

She then started the Danger Dogs from Nepal project. On her website she shows some examples of these unique signs.

3 comment(s): said...

Thanks for the write up! I'm in Nepal reading your blog at 14,000 feet!

Pam Walter said...

Love all of the signs! Is that their way of advertising their love for their dogs or are they really telling people to beware? said...

Hi, Pam. They are used both ways! By the way, the portrait of Millie Vartan (the Chocolate Lab above) was sold to my dentist - first time I left a dentist's with cash in hand!