Tuesday, 9 June 2009
Win A Set Of Bucky Balls
Bucky Balls are 216, spherical magnets. Form chains, loops, and complex sculptures. Pull them apart. Wear them as jewelry. Use them to hold even the heaviest items securely to the fridge. Kneed them in your hand for stress relief. Throw them at any metal surface for a game of high tech bulls-eye.
Wouldn't they be a wonderful gift for Father's Day?
Yes, they would! GetBuckyBalls.com, in cooperation with The Presurfer, is giving away 3 sets of Bucky Balls, worth $24.95. Just answer this question:
What type of rare-earth magnets are Bucky Balls made of?
Mail your answer to webmaster@presurfer.com. Contest closes on Thursday evening, June 11, at midnight GMT. Everyone who answers the question right will have a chance to win a set of Bucky Balls. The 3 winners will be drawn by a True Random Number Service and announced on Friday morning, June 12.
Important: I am very concerned about your privacy. Email addresses will only be used for this contest.