Wednesday 27 May 2009

Twenty-Six Nonsense Rhymes And Pictures By Edward Lear

Edward Lear - born in London on May 12, 1812 - was a highly-regarded nature and landscape artist, but he is much better remembered for the whimsical nonsense poetry and limericks he produced throughout his life.

Twenty-Six Nonsense Rhymes And Pictures.

3 comment(s): said...

It is difficult to comprehend how this could be even remotely amusing to anyone. Very interesting, just not funny.

robynwill said...

They are nonsense rhymes pictures and quite clever - is not looking at them in the right context of the early 19th century. I've always loved Edward Lear.

Matt said...

Holy cow! There's a line in the song "Love Cats" by The Cure about the "scroobius snake" that I've never been able to decipher. This is what Robert Smith was singing about - Eureka!