Monday, 11 May 2009

Home Schooled

Home Schooled is a comics series by American artist Ash Jackson.
Co-writing by Silas Jackson.
The Presurfer will feature a Home Schooled cartoon every Monday. This is an absolute exclusive cooperation between The Presurfer and Ash Jackson.

Home Schooled is more or less a reflection of the wacky and occasionally interesting adventures of the artist, Ash Jackson, himself, with the aid of his friends, family, and other cohorts.

Title: Two Tickets to the Gun Show.

click on the picture for real size

3 comment(s):

Snoozles Pikmin said...


This is how mot conversations with Ash go.


Yes, Silas is made out of what seems to be an iron alloy that even the sun cannot melt. I also hear that if you scrap the dead skin off of his abs you can hallucinate and have a religious experience (if eaten orally or injected).

A concerned citizen said...

Liz's hair doesn't look right in this comic!

Anonymous said...

your damn right it doesn't!!