An Austrian man holds back an accelerating Lamborghini long enough for a Guinness World Record. Initially the car was supposed to be a Lamborghini Murciélago, but it broke down due to an overheated clutch. A Diablo then does the job perfectly in its place.
(thanks Cora)
4 comment(s):
Not that I would ever try this but...
The trick here is that once the wheels break loose and start to spin, there's no traction so the car is spinning in place all by itself. It would actually be pretty easy to hold the car. However, once the tires hook-up again that car will rip his arms out of their socket, which is why he lets go of the rope immediately.
Another FAKE, fake fake....The first car never let the clutch out...all it did was rev the engine. If it had let the clutch out, the wheels would have spun, or the engine stalled.
The second one let out the clutch, with the expected results.
I agree: the first car didn't even "try". What a joke.,
To Mookie (above)
There is plenty of traction even if the wheels are spinning. That's why the tires get hot and smoke. (friction=traction)
However, you don't get Maximum traction when the tires are spinning.
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