Friday 17 April 2009

The Chariot Which Lets Amputees 'Stand Tall And Walk'

Amputees and people with difficulty standing could soon move using a 'wearable transportation device' that gives the effect of walking. Exmovere Holdings from Virginia, USA, has unveiled a self-balancing, hands-free concept vehicle called the Chariot, which is controlled by subtle movements of the lower torso and hips.

Sensors inside the cocoon-like shell of the vehicle interpret gentle pressure changes from the wearer's body to predict their intended motion and carry out the action.

(via Look At This...)

4 comment(s):

Shad0w said...

Now THAT is cool.

Anonymous said...

don't get me wrong, the idea is notable but it looks like a covered-up segway.

I wish they came up with a little less bulky design...

AH said...

That was in the movie Dune.

dr. awkward said...

the future has the possibility of being really pretty cool