Monday 9 March 2009

The World's First Robot Teacher

Pupils in Japan have been given lessons by the world's first robot teacher. The humanoid named Saya is multilingual, can do roll calls and set tasks from text books. 'She' has a latex face, modelled on a university student, controlled by 18 motors to create expressions including happiness, surprise, fear, disgust, sadness and even anger.

Saya will start teaching full-time after passing a trial term at a Tokyo primary. Her creator, science professor Hiroshi Kobayashi, had been working on the robot for 15 years.

6 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Even if Saya isn't programmed to "love," how safe would those kindergartners (and their parents) feel knowing Kenji, "the Stalker Robot?"

Table Mountains said...

with some of the teacher/student love affairs that's happening,this may be the safest teacher in the world. : )

Leo said...

and what happens when the kids start horsing around, or they have a more complicated question?

Pearl said...

think of all the soul wounds the world would be free from if all teachers were robots...

Anonymous said...

And she will keep the peace in her class with her phaser set on "stun"! ;-p

Anonymous said...

Do not want!