Tuesday 3 March 2009

Strange Elongated Skulls Discovered

23 comment(s):

Snailwithajetpack said...

The teeth on that skull look odd...

Joshua said...

This is more likely fashion than anything else. Similar skull elongation occurred in a variety of different cultures. Association of the brain with thinking is relatively late (the ancient Greeks for example saw the heart as the seat of thought).

Anonymous said...

Wow, that guy could tell from looking at the skull that these people could predict the weather. Maybe he has a deformed skull, too.

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed, or maybe he knows something about this culture in general and is extrapolating. It would be nice if he/some one explained.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of my ex-girlfriend.

philomath said...

The teeth are, in fact, missing and you see the sharp canals of a skull where the teeth have fallen out.

The comments are pure pseudoscience / conjecture. Nobody would take that seriously without evidence. Kind of like the whole "cult of the face on mars". There may be a significant reason why two cultures on opposite sides of the earth had a similar practice. Making unsupported statements that it is some primitive form of brain engineering is just a desire for an easy answer. Science doesn't look for easy answers; rather, it seeks elegant ones.

Anonymous said...

It's not that strange at all that two different cultures had the same preferences. After all, how many civilizations around the world built pyramids without being remotely aware that the other cultures even existed? Things happen.

Anonymous said...

Interesting stuff, but when people leave out all science and only include speculation, one has to wonder at the point of it.
On the issue of elongated skulls in different parts of the world: yes, there are many possible reasons for it, but in fairness, its a good question they're asking. Science believes in coincidences, but should always try to disprove them. (Also, though the Greeks saw the heart as the seat of all thought, that doesn't mean other separated cultures also did - maybe they were correct and saw the brain for what it was?)

Unknown said...

Looks like scaphoencephaly to me!

Anonymous said...

The exact same video is on The Weekly World News website. Credibility dropped to zero.

Dangger said...

The Mayans did the same. They would press a wooden board against an infant's forehead for years until it had an elongated shape. According to archaeologists, this was done for fashion reasons.

Mercurior said...

they still do it in some places today,



Anonymous said...

Its' a cross breed between Aliens and Humans. The offspring became the "Kings" of the ancient world. The Aliens abducted women and artificially inseminated them - the offspring became our rullers.

In the Bible it says. Genesis - The Sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and saw that they were fair - and chose wives. And In those times there were giants.

But in the forbidden book of Enoch is says : The sons of God looked upon the daughters of men and saw they were fair. And they chose wives - and gave birth to Giants that became the kings of old and men of renown.

They became the kings......All over the world... Israel, India, Peru, Egypt, Mexico and snow Russia.

The first explorers to the new land saw that The mothers deformed their babies heads to look like these kings. They asked "Why do you do this"? They wanted their children to look like they had been chosen by the gods- much like the chinese are now cutting the slits of their eyes to look caucasian.

How they are different from human beside the size of the head is that they only have 10 teeth on the upper and lower jaws. Humans have 14 or more teeth on each jaw. Mention this to any anthropologist and they will quietly go away knowing that you know. These Kings are still being excavated all over Peru and their bodies are "missing" I never could film the body.......

You can find them all over the world and I have filmed and photographed over 40 of them.

Go and see the latest Indiana Jones film and you will see that Spielberg and Lucas have given the world a clue. The egyptian rulers had crowns on their heads - under that crown they have a cone head. The coneheads of Saturday Night live is based on reality. Dan Akroyd is also giving you a clue.

Another clue, although one that is truly a bad one is the L Ron Hubbards movie Battlefield Earth. Human slaves to mine the gold - ruled by cone heads. It's the root of Scientology.

They were the Giants of the bible.

If you want to see many more, just search for Alien Skulls in google. You can see them for yourself in museums in Peru in a city called ICA that is right by the Naska LInes - because in Peru, that is where they were found - buried under the Naska plateau. It's exciting to see them show up in russia too.

Remember the clue is the teeth. They only have 10 teeth on the upper and lower jaw. Count your teeth.

lvgraham said...

How irresponsible to guess about abilities to predict weather and such nonsense. Also, we have the Pierce Nez in Northern America who flattened and elongated the skull for beauty. This is not unprecedented aboriginal behavior.

lvgraham said...

pardon me, that was the Choctaw, Chehalis, and Nooksack Indians, not the Pierce Nez. According to Wiki -- the ancient Egyptians also practiced this body modification and it is also found to have been practiced by the Australian Aborigines and the Mayans.

Mikey said...

Hello? Anybody?

Did you see this?

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

It seems Irina Spalko, got the Crystal Skulls after all!

Anonymous said...

Kind of funny that in the first scene, Omsk Russia - where the average daily January temperature is -2.2F has folks in shirtsleeves and short pants digging in a green forest in January.

Anonymous said...

pREVIOUS commenter got it right- CONEHEADS.

Ron said...

Similar ones were found in Springfield - Doh!!

Unknown said...

Oops... Just realized I spelled it wrong. SCAPHOCEPHALY.

Anonymous said...

Greeks already knew that brain was the center of thinking. Read Timeos by Plato and instruct yourself.

Anonymous said...

I had a dream with these longheads in it. They do not have good intentions for us.

Mike said...

Dunno what it is but human skulls always scare me. We always assume that in ancient times they weren't advanced with technology yet their diets were way better then ours today. Who knows maybe our brains have actually shrunk instead of grown since ancient times.