Saturday 7 March 2009

The 100 Oldest Registered Domain Names

Ever wonder what the oldest registered domain name is on the Internet? After all, they haven't always existed. In fact, it was just 24 years ago this month that the oldest domain was registered.

It was, owned by the Symbolics, Inc. company who, back in the day, was a leading software development firm with software projects designed back in the 1980s which appear very much like modern software designs seen today. Their domain was registered on March 15, 1985 - when the Internet was brand new.

The 100 Oldest Registered Domain Names.

(thanks Joanne)

1 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

That's obviously, not - the web didn't exist yet.

Also, Symbolics was a hardware company, not just a software company. They made lisp machines:

wikipedia Symbolics article