There's this sound that can generally only be heard by people under the age of 25. It has been used as a deterrent device to keep teenagers from loitering in malls and shops, and sounds similar to a buzzing mosquito.
Try the
Teenager Audio Test.
Since I'm older than 25, I failed the test.
16 comment(s):
The joke is on all of us !
My sleeping cat can't hear it either .. from a powerful set of headphones close to its ears.
There is no bloody sound !
I'm in my 30s and I passed it.
Damn thing is annoying.
23/f and I could hear it. Sorry anonymous, but the good news is your cat can go to the gap for as long as it wants
I'm 28 and i can hear it!
I couldn't hear it because I wasn't going to install a Quicktime plugin.
No lie.... I'm 50 and I heard it.... and it is painful.
I'm 40 and can hear it. Whoohooo.
38/m, can hear it (and yes, annoying)
48, and I can hear it.
29 and I can hear it but my 60 year old mother can't.
31; not only I can hear it but it made me slightly sick.
33, heard it. My wife, 32, heard also.
26 in april and can hear it all too well
I'm 55 and it hurts my ears. I could hear it with my laptop speaker set on as low as 10 with my husband practicing his guitar in the other room and a TV on and with silence as low as 5. Here's what's funny....I have been in stores and complained about that damn noise and left because of it so they need to cut that crap out!
15 and i cant hear it.
sorry. this is just idiotic.
15/f and OUCH. I still have a headache. My dad got a kick out of randomly turning it on and seeing if I would react. When I first showed him he thought I was messing with him. x]
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