Wednesday 14 January 2009

Reverse Speech

It has been called the discovery of the 7th sense. It is called Reverse Speech, the phenomenon of hidden backward messages in speech. It initially gained worldwide fame in the early 80s as those strange backward messages in rock and roll.

A simple explanation for this phenomenon is that the human brain automatically tries to make sense out of any noise as soon as it expects that noise to be a spoken language. The power of suggestion is then used to nudge the listener to hear what the presenter wants them to hear.

Reverse Speech. Real or a conspiracy theory? You decide for yourself.

1 comment(s):

Namowal (Jennifer Bourne) said...

I took a phonetics course in college. Part of the class involved learning to say things backwards so they'd sound as normal as possible when reversed. Not as easy as it sounds! (I have trouble believing musicians were deliberately doing this)

The teacher was an expert. She'd say what sounded like "mal ultila dayheram" and it'd reverse into as "Mary had a little lamb"