Sunday 7 December 2008

Where's The Gap In Your Knowledge?

You will be asked three questions in each section (history, economics, politics, science and nature, arts and culture, law, philosophy, and religion and theology) to find out where the gaps in your knowledge are. You must answer at least two out of three correctly to complete each section.

Where's The Gap In Your Knowledge?

4 comment(s):

Patrick said...

Interesting. I picked Religion first, seeing as I have an MA in comperative theology. Much to my shame I must admit I missed one question on the test due to a personal problem remembering precise dates (picked 632 instead of 622 - that's the reason why I figured I would do poorly in History). Strange how a "date" should figure as something important under "Religion". My personal opinion: they should re-do the test, I have a feeling quite a few theologians would have issues recalling precise dates yet most likely don't have real "gaps" as pertains their knowledge of religion(s). ;)

Anonymous said...

It's also very UK-based, so if you don't know much about that political system, you're going to have trouble in "politics."

I did, however, kick some Arts and Culture ass, thank goodness.

Unknown said...

Too UK-Centric.

Anonymous said...

The only 'knowledge-gap' this test acused me of was in the realm of Politics. But since I live in the United States, and the questions were very UK-centric, I don't feel too bad.