Tuesday 16 December 2008

50 Websites You'll Wonder How You Lived Without

When it comes to the Internet, we're creatures of habit – Google for search, Hotmail for email, Twitter to stay in touch and maybe the BBC and CNN websites for news.

This means that we use only a handful of favourite sites, leaving the rest of the Internet unvisited. Let's put that right. By the time you've finished reading, we promise that your list of bookmarked sites will have ballooned and you'll be getting more from your surfing.

50 Websites You'll Wonder How You Lived Without.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

This site crashed my computer. Thanks for sharing it with us, fool!

JonBoy said...

Hey Anon,

I run CuriousRead.com. Sorry if my site crashed your computer. It's just a regular blog, with no viruses or anything...

Gerard, thanks for picking up one of my stories...

Jon from CuriousRead