Friday 7 November 2008

Top 10 Most Expensive Accidents In History

Throughout history, humans have always been prone to accidents. Some can be very expensive. Here's a list of the top 10 most expensive accidents in the history of the world as measured in dollars.

This includes property damage and expenses incurred related to the accident such as cleanup and industry losses. Many of these accidents involve casualties which obviously cannot be measured in dollar terms. Each life lost is priceless and is not factored into the equation.

(via Dark Roasted Blend)

1 comment(s):

Nefast said...

In fact, human lives often are measured in cash terms. Just go check your insurance company. Though they probably don't like to give such sensitive information, they do have it.
And what's more: some humans are more equal than other humans. Your education, job, race, residence, ... are important factors used to calculate your life's worth!

Don't fool yourself. In the economy's eyes, you're nothing but an investment/cost (choose what you like to hear).