Monday 24 November 2008

Free Marijuana Church Of Honolulu

Aloha and welcome to the Church devoted to the religion of higher consciousness. You are cordially invited to open your door of perception and discover the God within your own mind with one free toke of marijuana.

I am an ordinary guy with an extra-ordinary life since I opened my door of perception and discovered the ultimate purpose of human life is our own enlightenment. I invite, urge and pray that you look beyond your ordinary concept of God by chemically opening the door in your mind to experience the inestimable value of higher consciousness and come to know the God within your own mind.

(via Eclecticity)

5 comment(s):

Brian Kern said...

LOL, someone needs to explain to this moron what medically happens when you "chemically enhance" your enlightenment.

My own intelligence on the other hand is one of the brightest stars in my own personal constellation. The last thing I would do is seek enlightenment by diminishing it's capacity.

Anonymous said...

Hur dur, my name is Brian and im better than other people because I don't do any drugs!

Anonymous said...

Yea Brian your brain is already diminished. (It's "its," not "it's" moron).

Anonymous said...

Just another close-minded loser.

Anonymous said...

Brian- you didn't have many friends in high school did you?