In day to day life it is hard to sometimes appreciate the restrictions put on us because they become camouflaged into our every day life and are just accepted as the norm. The media industry is trying to camouflage a lot of unethical restrictions to become the norm of how we consume video and music.
Applying the logic of the digital media industry to the handbag industry may seem like an unorthodox topic but it sure does point out the hypocrisies and bad ethics of certain media companies and organisations.
If the MPAA Did Handbags.
(thanks Lauren)
1 comment(s):
Back in um..... oh, the late nineteen seventies, I bought a plant. My mother liked it very much when she saw it flowering, so I picked off a branch and planted it, it grew... Then my sister wanted one, then my neighbour...
Now, about thirty years later I still have the original, several of its clones too, and I keep giving rooted cuttings away... So do my mother and sister, and no doubt, the others I gave cuttings, and the people they gave cuttings. Despite this, the horticultural supplier the plant came from is still in business.
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