Today is The Presurfer's 8th birthday. It was great fun to start The Presurfer on September 24, 2000, and I'm still enjoying updating the site every day.
I do realize that The Presurfer couldn't have made it through those 8 years without you, my readers. You motivate me, you inspire me, and sometimes some of you are a big help to me.
Thank you for your loyalty.
54 comment(s):
Congrats, and many happy returns!
Congratulations and thank you for your wonderful work all these years
Happy Birthday, Presurfer! Gerard, we really appreciate all of your hard work.
wow. eight years??? i started reading blogs maybe 2 or 3 years ago. :)
Congratulations Gerrard, good job!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May years still left in the ole girl I hope!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Presurfer, and many thanks, Gerard, for sticking it out for our entertainment!
CONGRATS! i hope you keep at this for a long time. we need the info, the inspiration and most of all the humor! your efforts are much appreciated.
Congrats, Gerard! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for all your hard work. 8 years is impressive.
Congrats, Gerard. Presurfer's been one of my daily must-read blogs for years now. Keep up the great work!
Happy blogoversary!
Happy Birthday, Presurfer!
Congratulations (and thank you!) Gerard...
Happy Presurfer Day, Gerard!
Congratulations! I can't start my day without a Presurfer fix. :-)
been reading here less then a year, but i do make sure i drop in once a day.
happy birthday!
Congratulations on reaching such a major milestone. In Internet time, 8 years is an eternity!
Thank you for entertaining and educating us and I hope you continue to do so for many more years.
I'd like to add my enthusiastic thanks. In keeping with your name, Presurfer has been my first stop each morning for perhaps 6 years or so. Now as I look at the new format I notice the Archive includes just the past two years. I do hope the older posts will still be accessible in some way.
Thanks for a great site. We appreciate your talent.
Thank YOU, Gerard
Congratulations on having such an excellent blog, it is indeed my presurfer. Thank you very, very much.
Thank YOU! Hope to see a lot more candles on that cake!
Happy birthday Gerard!! I'm a hard-die fan and check out the blog daily...Keep up the great work: I'll stay tuned
Congrats Gerard - thanks for all your hard work.
Hey, congrats Gerard!
Congrats Gerard!
Congratulations, sometimes you inspire me.
Congrats Gerard! I always love your great work! All the best
Thanks !!!!
Happy Happy Happy Surfday Gerard!! Geweldig, al die jaren varieteit.
Thanks for all your work. Your blog is still glued to my favorites ;)
Congratulations! Excellent job.
congratulations Gerard. That's a long time to blog consistently.
Very Very Congrats! Your blog makes a Brazilian happier every day. =o)
Congrats! Going on this site has remained one of the best moments of my day. Thank you for great quality. It is nice to have a place on the internet where I can reliable find new things, every day.
Carry on....
Good blogsday!
Congratulations on the anniversary. I stop by every day. Eight more!
nice one dude - they say things get better with age, but I can't imagine how you'd do that!
Awesome! I still read it every week. Thanks for the years of free entertainment.
Congratulations. I read your blog daily as you come across the most interesting sites. I give you my best to many more years to come.
Check your site every day. thanks!
Thanks everyone for the kind words.
Very much appreciated.
HaPpY 8th BiRtHdAy !!! Thank U for 8th BiRtHdAy !!! The Presurfer must live long !!! From Russia with Love.
Happy Birthday Presurfer! I love this blog and I'm happy to share the same birthday with this site! =)
Congrats and keep up the good work.
Thank you!
Spät - aber nicht weniger herzlich!
Alles Gute Dir und Deinem Blog, Gerard. Du warst für mich in den letzten vier Jahren ein ständiger Begleiter. Weiter so!
ho ho, gelukkige verjaardag.
I'm from brussels and visiting presurfer almost everyday since é years or so.
You're on the first place in my bookmarks.
Happy to read that you still enjoy blogging... for my big plrasure.
Thanx 4 all
Congratulations, Gerard! I enjoy your work.
from King at
In Holland, 24th of september is the day most people are born. That includes presurfers apparently!
Have a good one. And stay away from the Grecian Formula.
Here to at least another 8 years... Cheers and well done. Rik (Oz)
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