The Large Hadron Collider is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator complex, intended to collide opposing beams of protons charged with very high energy.
A lot of people were afraid that turning on the machine could destroy the world. They thought that the collider would create mini-black holes that last long enough and get big enough to turn into a matter-sucking maelstrom.
News from the LHC website shows everything went fine and nothing happened.
Well, not according to these webcams. One is looking at the Underground Experimental Cavern, the other is looking out of the window of the 1st Floor of the SCX building that houses the CMS Control room.
Related: Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet?
3 comment(s):
I personally am not on the bandwagon for the LHC to destroy the world, but even if that were a remote possibility, it wouldn't happen yet. All they did was accelerate ONE particle around the circumference, in one direction. Next they will accelerate one particle in the OTHER direction. Our one in a google chance of being destroyed won't happen until they accelerate TWO particles in OPPOSITE directions - to actually create a collision. Here's to the GOD particle!
I have this weekly reader book of 60 years news for kids...I was pretty disturbed to see a 1958 article about the H-bomb and A-bomb was exploded deep inside the earth ..but this test proved the core of the earth was a big liquid ball..as a result caused a ton of man made earthquakes that shocked all over the world...I thought if these bombs did this back then how much more then will we hear of bigger earthquakes coming as a result of this massive experiment.
The only thing they did yesterday was to do a beam injection for full clockwise rotation, then one for anticlockwise rotation. They aren't going to be smashing particles for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. We don't have to worry about the world being destroyed until THEN
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