Thursday 18 September 2008

Face Memory Test

Skills like memory are the first to go when we're tired. Recognition memory for faces is unaffected by sleep loss. A person who has not slept for as much as 35 hours can perform as well as someone who is not sleep deprived.

The area of the brain that controls temporal memory can be affected by prolonged sleep loss and/or ageing. So a healthy 65 year old who sleeps normally would be able to perform this test similarly to a 20 year old who has gone without sleep for 36 hours.

This test assesses your ability to remember how long ago something happened - your 'temporal' memory. If you're tired you won't be as good at remembering when you saw or did something.

Here are my results:

Take the Face Memory Test.

(via J-Walk Blog)

5 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Well, not to brag, or anything, but I got a 100% and a 92%. But I forget how I did it!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeaaaah? Well I got a 100% and a 98%! And I haven't slept in 18 hours and I'm all doped up on anti-histamines. Now if only I could remember where I put my pants...

Anonymous said...

I got 100 and 70...

Anonymous said...

Hey - I got 100 and 70 too!

Anonymous said...

I got bored.