Saturday 10 May 2008


Learn about the unknown hazards around you - the toxins you may be breathing. PlanetHazard uses information from the Environmental Protection Agency to map over 86,000 companies throughout the United States that emit hazardous air pollutants.

You can search nationally or by state, county, city and/or company. All pollutant data used on the site is from the Environmental Protection Agency National Emission Inventory Database and is current as of the most recent release, 2002.

1 comment(s):

Melissa Smith said...

It's a bummer but HazardPlanet hasn't been updated since 2002. The EPA has reports available for 2005, and in December through 2007. Another thing to note with HazardPlanet is that it is only for air pollution so garbage dumps are included. Not a bad thing to count but they aren't corporations that can be held accountable for the most part.