Tuesday 27 May 2008

Deus Ex Machina

Jake Loniak is a Transportation Design student in his 6th term. His project called 'Deus Ex Machina' is an electric, single passenger, vertically parking, and wearable motorcycle.

With seven artificial vertebrae behind the helmet that support the rider's head you could control the 'Deus Ex Machina' via 36 pneumatic muscles and 2 linear actuators with your body. Leaning forward the rider extends into the more traditional riding position.

The formal shape of the Deus Ex Machina is naturally biological because the features, the helmet, the arms, and the vertebrae recall human physiognomy, while the mechanics and electronics are worn as an exoskeleton.

3 comment(s):

Unknown said...

Why did he choose the name ' Deus' ? In portuguese it's mean is God!

Bogdan said...


Unknown said...

Thanks bogdan! ;0)