Tuesday 5 February 2008


Society tells us that full beards are unacceptable. Businessmen, politicians, bankers, and the like are all clean shaven; all demonstrating the standards that middle class society expects us to maintain. But it wasn't always so.

Beards used to be glorified as signs of virility and manliness. A man that couldn't grow a strong beard was privately ridiculed. To be shaved was to be emasculated. Let us return to our roots! Let us return to true masculinity! Let us cry out with one voice: 'I Will Have a Beard! I Will Be a Man! I Will Not Conform To Your Rules!'

(via Everlasting Blort)

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Let's not.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Facial hair is a deal breaker. Just ask my husband.