Tuesday 15 January 2008

Are You An Uber-Geek?

Geeks are technically oriented persons. Geeks have typically implied a 'nerdy' or 'weird' personality, with limited social skills who like to tinker with scientific or high-tech projects. Uber-Geeks are actually not human, they're demigods.

Do mere mortals tremble in your wake? Are you feared and loved by those with less geek prowess? Show the world your might by taking the 'Are You an Uber-Geek?' quiz. All who know you will honor you as their leader.

Me, I'm 38% Uber-Geek.

Are You An Uber-Geek?

(thanks Abby)

2 comment(s):

Christian said...

I am not sure whether to be proud of my 92% or ashamed.

I suppose it's better to be a geek than a nerd, right?

Anyone can "geek out" over anything.

I know loads of Car Geeks or Soccer Geeks but they call them motor heads, boy racers, Fanatics or Hooligans but to me they are all geeks just geeks.


Anonymous said...

Y34h! 94%!
Th4t's v3ry funny, but I'm sc4rri3d, b3c4u53 I w0n't b3 a g33k...