Wednesday, 19 December 2007

How A Double-Edge Razor Can Change Your Life

Is there a way to improve your health, save money, help the environment, and feel better about yourself by doing something you already do every day?

Yes, there is! This method has been around for over a hundred years. A traditional wet shave using a shaving brush, shaving soaps/creams, and a double edge razor.

4 comment(s):

Miss Cellania said...

I don't get it. The article and comments talk about a "wet shave" and someone referred to a "normal shave" as the alternative. Is this something they think is new? Have guys been doing something else? A "dry shave"? Horrors!

Gerard said...

A normal shave, or dry shave, is shaving with an electric razor.

Anonymous said...

Photo shows a man doing a wet shave but with a straight razor (cut throat) not a double edge safety razor.

I have been using a safety razor for over a year now, and it's afforded me the best shaves ever. I actually look forward to my shaves every morning.

Visit my site to learn more.

Dave said...

I've been using a Gillette double-edge razor for about 6 years. A cake of Williams shaving soap in a Homer Laughlin coffee mug, and brush. But one thing this "zen master" forgot to mention is to use hot water.