Friday 2 November 2007

The 2007 Weblog Awards

Thanks everyone for the nice words in the comments yesterday regarding The Presurfer being a finalist at The 2007 Weblog Awards in the category 'best blog.'

If you think this blog is worthy, please vote for The Presurfer. You can vote once a day in each category. Polls close November 8, 2007.

9 comment(s):

Bart said...

Nice one Gerard, you got my vote! Cheers!

The Nag said...

Congrats, dude!

Anonymous said...

For what it counts, you got my vote ;)

Greets from,

Cape Town, South Africa

Dave said...

You got mine, too...congrats, dude!

Anonymous said...

YOu got my vote too.

Now, come on everybody... Michelle Malkin is getting waaay too many votes!

Anonymous said...

YOu got my vote too.

Now, come on everybody... Michelle Malkin is getting waaay too many votes!

Naacal said...

Congratulations, Gerard!

You got my vote, of course!

Anonymous said...

As Gerard stated, you can vote once every 24 hours. The polls run for only a few days more, so don't forget to vote each day! I would love to see The Presurfer in the top spot.

Anonymous said...

The second comment by "naacal" is actually by me, "taylon". It was an inadvertent mistake and I didn't mean to present myself as naacal.