Sunday 28 October 2007

What Kind Of Blogger Are You?

Answer seven simple questions from Professor Blogstein and he will reveal to you your secret Blogging Persona. My results:

You're not in this for the money, for you bloggin is all about the passion! Sure you might make a little pocket change now and again, but you know that it's the content, the audience and the people that are what makes blogging great!

You've been blogging since Nick Denton was in diapers. When it comes to blogging experience, you are the authority on blogging. Heck you probably even have a blog where you give advice about blogging!

Social media, other bloggers, networks and all that jazz don't really interest you. You have enough friends in the real world, you don't need more. You blog because you want to express yourself not to meet bloggers!

(via Bits & Pieces)

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