Tuesday 30 October 2007

Complete Cat Toilet Training Kit

Everything you need to toilet train your cat in one kit. The kit includes: CitiKitty Training Seat, Quick Start Training Guide, and CitiKitty Expert Training Tips and Tricks.

The specially designed training seat securely fits on your toilet. Your cat naturally uses CitiKitty as its new litter box.

Each of the four perforated rings are removed from the training seat thus reducing the amount of litter. Once all rings are removed your cat is toilet trained! CitiKitty works with cats of all age, size and breed and multiple cats can be toilet trained at the same time.

2 comment(s):

Anonymous said...

Muy Graciso el cagadero para gatos.
Un saludo desde EspaƱa

Anonymous said...

One of our cats thinks it's a dog and drinks from the toilet bowl...

I'd like to train it not to do it.
I'd also like to train same cat NOT to walk across my head at 3 in the morning (probably after his visit to the bowl) and waking me up just coz it's fun.